Start your U.S immigration Journey

We make it easier, much easier.

An easy program to simplify complex US immigration process

We explain to you the Green Card process
and take you step by step

The reason why everybody loves the Visa Program

Eligibility Evaluation

Start by getting approved for the submission. Immediate online results.

Submit Validated Documents

Submit your entry to the program, Particpate in the most prestige immigration program.

Green Card process

The formal green card process starts when you are selected for a visa. This stage we submit documents and forms to the U.S autorities.

Start your qualification check

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Please select your marital status.
Please select your country of birth.
Please select your residence country.
Please enter a valid number. Remove all letters or special characters.
Please enter a valid number. Remove all letters or special characters.

America “the land of opportunity”. We can get you started on a journey of your own opportunity.

For a simple eligibility test to the visa program, you don’t need a job and a family in the US.

Everyone has an “American Dream”. We see a million opportunities for the American dream becoming a reality every year. You can be one of a million legal immigrants to the US in the next few years.

The visa program is designed to offer American dreamers around the world the opportunity of going legally without looking for a job first. You also don’t need a family member to sponsor you.

This makes most people around the world eligible for this type of immigration path. If you ever thought about immigrating and are serious about getting started, we can explain the process and get you started.

A legal immigrant in the USA has the following rights

Green cards: what do you get

Clients Testimony

Daniel Brown

With my basic carpentry experience here and desire to work in the US I didn’t think there was a way to do this. But IMMINET’s  visa package got me started. Their material is clear, useful and quick to get started. Just Go for It.

Ibrahim Al-Salman

Reading about the US Visa was complicated. There are too many opinions and social media pages. I was confused even with good English skills. Getting the free introduction and paid package was a good way to start.

Li Wei

I dreamed of living in America for years. Lots of Indians and Chinese go to America. The visa program came from friends in my school. But I didn’t know how to start. When you are applying for a visa it takes energy and confidence. The actual process is simple, they explain it in half an hour.

We're sorry

Natives of your birth country are not eligible for the USA Diversity Visa Green Card Lottery

Don't Give up yet!

In about 5 minutes you will know exactly what kind of visas you are eligible for! Click the button below start the process